so you are a star huh?

good news. you're in the right place.

woah woah, sure it's easy but how does this all work?

we were expecting this one.

Our goal at RedLino is to become a new bridge between you and the public (shhh don't tell your agents). We want to provide a space for you to boost your public image, incentivize expansion of your personal brands (through our marketplace), and have the opportunity to truly get to know your fans on an intimate level in a completely safe way. Basically, behind the scenes each of you have your own "lottery pool", where fans use coins to increase their chances to getting that 1:1 time with you. These "lottery pools" are where you begin to have control, now you can set coin amounts with each item in your marketplace or donation box. This gives fan increased chances to meet you, everytime they support you directly. In addition to this, you also have complete control over time limits that your 1:1 sessions have and even if you want to have larger group calls! You can also control who gets to be in your "lottery pool", from limiting it to only patrons, only a certain age-group, or only people who are present in your fan-focus "waiting" room. ALSO -- we reward you with the value that your coins allocated to your lottery, so yea, we pay you for your demand! Our computers handle the selecting so you don't have to worry about that part. Just log on, and whenever you are ready, enter your "backstage" meeting room, and we'll pick the lucky fans. Warning these fans may freak out once they see you, stay calm!

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